Tuesday, July 31, 2012

How He Loves

Have you ever stopped and thought about how the Creator of the Universe is madly in love with YOU? That even if you were the only person in the world, He would have still sent His son to die for YOU? Maybe you have... Believers across the country attend church services every Sunday and sing along, “How He Loves” with the worship team but many walk out of service not fully understanding His deep love for us. Maybe it's because we find it hard to believe that someone as great as our God could love a sinner like us.

The Word of God tells us in 1 John 4:19 that, “We love because He first loved us” (ESV). That is a scripture that many say but don’t believe. When the Trinity made man in their own image according to Genesis 1:26, we were completely in His image. However, when sin poisoned man, we were no longer in His image. The Father looked down at His creation and saw sin. Through Jesus Christ however, now when He looks at us, He sees the blood of Jesus.  This beautiful story of redemption and grace is pretty spectacular. But let’s back up a bit… Ultimately, God is love. Therefore when He created us in His image, He simply duplicated His PERFECT LOVE in us. Although He loves us perfectly, we sometimes cannot fathom His love for us.

The first time I encountered His love, my life completely changed. I began to go to church, read my bible, worship, and even view Him differently. But it was definitely a process understanding and accepting His grace and love. Recently, in my private worship time I began to weep at the thought of His great love for me. Thoughts in my head clouded my hearing. I continued to cry and shake my head in disbelief. “There’s no way possible He could actually love me,” I would think. I then realized it was only the enemy trying to seed doubt in my heart. So I got up and declared, “Yes, it is possible Lord, that You love me as great as You do!” I came to the conclusion that unknowingly I doubted His love for me.

It is the enemy’s job to get the Believer to doubt their faith in God. Think about it this way… If you doubt His love for you, true worship will be impossible, reading the bible will become lifeless and fulfilling the Lord’s purpose for your life will ultimately be more difficult. Just as Satan deceived Eve in the garden into doubting her faith in God, he does the same to Believers now. John 10:10 says, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (NIV). The enemy only comes to steal, kill, and destroy your faith in God’s love for you.  

Beloved, His love for you is CRAZY! All He desires is to be with you. But it’s hard to spend time with someone who you don’t believe truly loves you, right? Today, it doesn’t matter what you have done in the past, present, or what you will do the future, His love never ends for you. In fact it is eternal (Psalm 136). Psalm 103:12 even says, “As far as the east is from the west, so far does He remove our transgressions from us” (ESV). His grace that has been freely given to us continues to cover. So yes, it is absolutely possible for the Creator of the heavens and the Earth to be head over heels in love with YOU. In fact, He loved YOU so much that He sent His only son to die just so He could be with YOU once again. Every day ask yourself questions like, “Do I trust that His love for me is enough?” Remind yourself of His love for YOU! Also, ask the Holy Spirit to expose and heal areas in your heart where you doubt His love for you. Never allow the enemy to steal your faith, kill your worship and destroy your purpose. Embrace His infinite and mighty love for you! Don’t try to understand it…. Just accept it.