- HAVE A PURPOSE. Really evaluate the reasons for starting your blog. What is your purpose? Who is your target? (Men, women, youth...) What is your mission? What is your goal? As a Christian blogger, your passion for starting your blog should definitely be centered around Christ. If not, it will be centered around you.
- BE LED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT. Never write a post "just because." As Christian bloggers this is so important. Something I always do is pray, "Holy Spirit, I decrease that you may increase as I write today (John 3:30)." I then always ask the Holy Spirit, "What do You need me to write today?" This keeps the focus on Christ and not on me. When people say, "I really needed to read that" or "That post spoke right to me," I am once again reminded that it was the Holy Spirit. You will NEVER know what people are in need of, but He does. This is why it's SO important to let Him take control of every post.
- BE CLEAR. Before each post, I have a goal in mind for that particular post. Overall, my blog is to encourage and motivate Believers to grow in their relationship with the Lord. However, for each topic/post I try to make my purpose for that particular subject as clear as possible. For instance, if I'm writing about "trust" I make sure that is clear from beginning of my post. Don't have your readers guessing for too long, they will easily lose interest. Having a purpose in mind for your posts will also keep you focused.
- BE YOURSELF. NEVER compare your writing to another person's writing style. For example, you may have a style that gets right to the point. So don't change your writing style because you see others really elaborating on their posts. YOUR writing style is YOUR writing style. It's unique for a reason. At the same time, don't be afraid to grow. My very first post is totally different from some of my recent ones. Grow as a writer but never change because of an insecurity of your effectiveness to write.
- REMAIN HUMBLE. Remember that you are simply a vessel being used by God. Don't let the praise of man allow you to become "big-headed." Constantly remind yourself that it is totally the Holy Spirit writing your posts---you are just a vessel. Being humble is also asking for help. If you aren't the best on grammar, find someone who is. Have that person proof read your posts. Even if you are great at grammar, sentence structure etc... still have someone proof read for common errors. The Word says that God resists the prideful but gives more grace to those who are humble (James 4:6).
- BE REAL. Don't be afraid to expose your wounds! People don't want to read a bunch of posts from a "know-it-all." Incorporate your personal testimonies. Readers want to feel that they aren't the only one struggling with that particular issue. They want to be encouraged, not yelled at. Your readers should feel a sense of hope reading your posts. Don't be afraid to get real.
- HANDCUFF YOUR EMOTIONS. I am preaching to the choir with this one. There are SO many times when I just don't "feel" like writing. Although I love writing, sometimes I just get tired of it. Beloved, don't live by your emotions. If you're ever going to do anything for Christ, you have to set your emotions aside. Always remember, your blog isn't for YOU--it's for OTHERS!
- STAY ENCOURAGED. Sometimes you'll get to a point where you feel like your posts aren't making an impact at all. I've been there. There are times when I get zero feedback/comments on posts. Then there are times where the comments are just overflowing. Just because you don't see anything happening, doesn't mean there isn't. Stay encouraged! If you are truly being led by the Holy Spirit, your posts are healing others whether they personally tell you or not.
- HAVE FUN. There are times where I get so focused on perfecting my post that I get overwhelmed. Remember, if you're a blogger, you obviously enjoy writing. So enjoy it!
- ALWAYS PUT YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD FIRST. There was a time in my life when I wrote almost every day. I felt like I was winning but I was really losing. I got so wrapped up into writing that I forgot about my personal relationship with the Lord. When you close down your laptop or shut off your computer and it's just you alone, what is your life saying that your blog isn't? Being passionately and radically in love with Jesus is THE GREATEST tip I could ever give. That's what is going to sustain you, NOT BLOG POSTS.
If you have any personal questions feel free to contact me:
Twitter- @kieyalhudson
Facebook- Kieya Hudson
Email- kieyahudson@ymail.com
awesome and very helpful information..
ReplyDeleteawesome and very helpful information..