Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The "In-Between" Season

We see in the story of Joseph that dreams are very important. Apparently, dreams were so important that Joseph’s own brothers hated him for his dream. Genesis 37 tells us that Joseph had two dreams with the same meaning—Joseph would so be great that even his family would bow down to him. Although Joseph is thrown in a pit and eventually ends up in prison, we all know how the story ends. In Genesis 41, Joseph's dreams finally manifested as he is made second-in-command to Pharaoh. But what happened from the moment Joseph had the dream at 17 and the time he saw the manifestation of it at 30? What did Joseph do in between that time? He simply remained honorable to God.

Many of us have dreams from God but don’t know how to honor the dream. What do you do in the “in-between” season of life? Joseph shows us perfectly how we should remain honorable as we wait for the manifestation of the dream.
  • HONOR YOUR BODY- In the “in-between” season, honoring your body is very important. Joseph could have easily slept with Potiphar’s wife. He could have said, “God, I’m lonely. You understand.”  But he remained honorable. The word of God says to flee from fornication (1 Corinthians 6:18)—literally run from sexual immorality as Joseph did.
  • HONOR YOUR SOUL- The soul is our emotions. When Joseph found himself in prison for being honorable, he could have let his emotions rule him. The butler and the baker needed their dreams interpreted. Joseph could have said, “Man, my brothers threw me in a pit AND I’m in a prison for something I didn’t do. You guys interpret your own dreams. I’m feeling bitter.” But he remained honorable. Think about it, if Joseph never interpreted their dreams, he would have never made it to his destiny. Joseph let the hope from his God-given dream anchor his soul (Hebrews 6:19) in his “in-between” season.
  • HONOR THE SPIRIT- When you honor your body and soul, you are ultimately honoring the Holy Spirit that lives in you. Second Timothy 2:20-22, speaks of vessels of honor and vessels of dishonor. As Believers, we must to strive to be vessels of honor in our “in-between” season. Remain useful for God, our Master, by fleeing from youthful lusts and pursuing righteousness (2 Timothy 2:22).
Believer, if you have a dream be encouraged that it will come to pass. God gives us dreams and leaves it up to us to honor Him with the dream. What dishonorable things are you doing right now that you know you need to stop? What honorable things is God telling you to start doing? Every day, ask the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom and the strength to remain honorable. God could trust Joseph with the manifestation of the dream when he saw him being honorable in his “in-between” season. Although this season is uncomfortable at times, stay faithful. Whether you’re in the pit, the prison, or the palace, continue to remain honorable. Destiny comes to those who remain honorable.


  1. Amen. :] This was something I needed. God bless! :)

    1. Awesome! So glad that God spoke to you. God bless, Langston! :)
