Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Worship is Life

This topic is extremely important to me because it was equally as important to Christ. Today, I pray that all who reads will have a deeper understanding of the true meaning of worship... Let’s get right to it.

There is more to worship than a song. Worship leader Kim Walker-Smith describes worship as, "a direct connection of our hearts with God’s heart." We were created to be in His presence to worship Him. Look back at the beginning when God created Adam and Eve. They were literally in God’s presence all the time. Their connection with God was always alive and fresh. However, when sin came in the picture, this connection could no longer freely happen. Someone then had to pay for this connection.  As a result of the fall of man, every year a High Priest would go into the Holy of Holies, a special area in the Temple, to present a sacrifice offering to God to cover the sins of the people. No one except the Priest would be allowed to go in God’s presence and present this sacrifice. But Jesus, our High Priest according to Hebrews 2:17, came as the sacrifice for all, to tear the veil that separated us from God’s presence. Now, we are the temple where God dwells (1 Corinthians 6:19). Jesus not only did this to cover our sins, redeem us back, and to set us free, He also did it for worship. It meant so much to the Lord to have this connection with us once again, that He sent His only son to die for it.

When this understanding of worship was revealed to me, my worship life radically changed. Those who follow me on Twitter, see that I tweet, “I live for worship!” quite often. Worship is a lifestyle. His presence means everything to me. Maybe you’re reading this today and desire to grow deeper in your worship life with the Lord. If you want your worship to become a lifestyle, here's a simple two-step process that will connect your heart with God's every day of your life.

Become more aware of the Holy Spirit. This is essential due to the fact that it centers your heart on the Lord. It will also keep you out of sin. Think about it…. It’s difficult to curse when you are aware that the Lord is present right where you are, at that very moment. Sin keeps you away from worship. As I have said in previous posts, it’s the devil’s duty to have you sin so you cannot connect with the Lord. We see that he succeeded with Adam and Eve. Furthermore, acknowledge His presence in whatever way works for you. Oftentimes, I do this by picturing a cross or the name of Jesus. You can even be at the mall and do this. Just be aware that He is in you and with you. Ultimately, this step is ALL about stopping whatever you’re doing or thinking about and focusing on Him.
Talk to the Holy Spirit. This is where worship becomes intimate. After you’ve acknowledged His presence, talk to Him. Although our God is a great, amazing, and sometimes indescribable God, He’s also very simple. Just talk to the Holy Spirit like you would your friend (John 15:15). Then, listen to His voice. When I was younger I would think that God didn’t speak to me. One day, my dad told me, “It’s not that He’s not speaking, Kieya, it’s that you’re not listening.” Once I began to settle my heart and press into His voice, I began to hear Him. Again, you can be anywhere and worship. At the mall, on your job, walking your dog, just talk with Him. It doesn't have to even be out loud. Without any communication, you’ll never grow into a deeper relationship with the Lord.

Believer, worship isn’t complicated. It isn’t something you do, it’s who you are. You were created to worship Him. Don’t go through this journey thinking that worship is ONLY a song. Worship songs, dances, poetry, rap, artwork etc… are all an outwardly expression of an inward passion of love for Him. The worst singer in the world could have an awesome worship life. Why? Simply because worship is all about the heart. It’s about loving the Lord enough to acknowledge His presence where ever you are. It’s those intimate talks you have with Him that make your worship an actual lifestyle. If you desire to have a lifestyle of worship, start right now. Begin by centering your heart on Him. Then open your mouth and talk with Him—every day, all day. Ask the Holy Spirit to open your ears so you can hear His voice and become more aware of where He is. So now when you sing a song, dance, play an instrument, rap or even just lift your hands during Sunday morning worship, there will be so much more passion behind it. Worship not only brings life… Worship is life. 


  1. Wonderful Post Deary..
    It just reminded me that worship is not a slow song but a lifestyle.
    God Bless You.
    Much Love Sis
