Tuesday, January 17, 2012

False Start

Have you ever felt like your day all of a sudden went from bad to worse? Have you ever questioned how so much chaos can happen in one day? I have definitely experienced days like this. Before I had a relationship with Christ, those days use to shake me. Now I am not bothered by bad days and it is only because of Christ. Sometimes, we give the devil too much credit. Now don’t get me wrong, the devil does try to bring discouragement to the believer every day. This I know. However, most of our “bad days” are avoidable. 

Definition of Renew:
  1. Resume (an activity) after an interruption.
  2. Reestablish (a relationship).
One of my friends on Facebook, posts a daily status that says, “Don’t forget to renew your mind.” (Romans 12:2) It is extremely important that we renew our minds, not only by the Word of God, but by a lifestyle of worship. The entire verse says, “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” (Romans 12:2 NKJV) The Lord is saying that, “renewing your mind” daily is the proving the will of God. What is in the will of God? An enjoyable life. God is a loving father and desires His children to enjoy their days. But we can never accomplish that if we are worshipping the wrong thing.

Many times we are ignorant to the true meaning of worship. Worship is more than a song. A worship song is merely an expression of adoration to the Lord. It’s like when a man or woman sings a song to their significant other. I like what Kim Walker from Jesus Culture says about worship, “Worship is a direct connection with the Lord.” Each day, our lives should sing a sweet song to the Lord. In everything that we do, it must make a direct connection to God. Worship is simply an outward expression of an inward passion of love. So if we are truly passionate about our love for God, we must express it through our worship lifestyles. Let your everyday life directly connect to God’s heart and will.

 “Not hero worship, but intimacy with Christ.”
― Dietrich Bonhoeffer, The Cost of Discipleship

I love the scripture, 1 Thessalonians 5:17, “Pray without ceasing.” Often times, I like to replace the word “pray” with the word “worship.” So in my head it reads, “Worship without ceasing.” If you start off your day, worshipping “worry, doubt, anxiety, fear or hate” that is what you will reap that day. I guarantee that you will sit at your desk at school or work and wonder, “How did my day go wrong so fast?” Ultimately, it started off wrong. So if we start off our days renewing our minds, bad days will come but we won’t be moved by them.

Bad days are inevitable. Fortunately, we have a God that can make bad days seem like the best days. However, YOU ARE IN CONTROL OF YOUR DAYS. It’s up to you to decide whether or not your day will be “good” or “bad.”The Psalmist David writes in Psalm 16:11, “…In thy presence is fullness of joy…” (NKJV) So if you are always in His presence, you will be filled with joy, no matter how bad your days look. Every morning before you go off to work or school, renew your mind. Start you day off in the presence of God. Give God the first of your day. Let your lifestyle worship GOD, not your problems, or situations. Ask yourself questions like, “Is my lifestyle really worshipping God today? What is my lifestyle worshipping today? What is my heart or mind worshipping today?” Renewing your mind daily will bring you complete victory every day of your life.

Purify your heart, as you renew your mind, and deny your flesh!


  1. Amen sister! xD But that's totally true. We have to worship God with our lives, not only with our voices once a week. Keep it up and God bless :D

  2. Wow! That's all I can say. Great word!

  3. Who loves this post? -->This Guy!<-- You are the coolest fairly strange individual EVER!! And very true... It's all about how you start the day off. (That, and you quoted Bonhoeffer... that was awesome!)haha.

    1. Hahaha, Thanks!! And YES, Bonhoeffer is the man!!
